What is happening at Dunamis Kidz
Take a peak at our upcoming Series and fun activities from our previous series Love in Action.
Get to know our Kidz Leaders.
A few thoughts from Noel and
My wife and I have a heart for God and to serve in His kingdom. Our trust and dependency is solely on God, and we pray that we will always be humble and seek His heart for the kids. We stand firmly on the scriptures below.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he grows older, he will not abandon it.
We have been in this house for 17 years and are extremely thankful to our founders and late senior pastors Hendrik and Phillicia Bester for building a solid foundation and imparting great wisdom into our lives.
This is a vision and legacy we want to continue with and allow the children to see who they are in God and the great plans that God has for them.
They are the future of this house and our nation, and we want to build into their lives so that they can fully understand how to build a strong relationship with God and to step into their own identity in Jesus and carry the heart of God for His people, to love God and love people.
Our heart is also for families to become stronger in God, which is why we have started the “partnering with parents” initiative which equips parents to connect with their children on the lessons released in the week. This is achieved through parent connect letters/activities sent home with the children every week
We fully believe that teamwork makes the dream work and where there is unity God will command His blessing. We have been blessed with the most amazing team to take this vision forward and we will continue to give the children our very best. We look forward to seeing them flourish into great young men and women that God called them to be.